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MG14 - Talk detail

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Khosravi, Shahram


Shahram Khosravi  - 920 Rosemoor Drive - Allen - Texas - USA







Oral abstract


A New Approach to Quantum Gravity: Probability Amplitude Geometrization and Spacetime Geometry Probabilitization


I present a new approach to Quantum Gravity that unifies Quantum Physics and General Relativity. The following presents the summary of my approach. Quantum Physics is all about probabilistic notions such as probability amplitudes and transition probability amplitudes. General Relativity is all about geometrical notions such as spacetime, curvature, metric, and line elements. I propose that the key to the unification of these two foundations of physics is to find a way to probabilitize General Relativity’s geometric notions and geometrize Quantum Physics’ probabilistic notions. I loosely refer to this as geometrizing Quantum Physics and probabilitizing General Relativity. I propose that what is needed is a tempo-spatial geometric manifestation or representation of the probabilistic world view of Quantum Physics and a probabilistic manifestation or representation of General Relativity’ tempo-spatial geometric world view. I’ll first dive into the probabilistic world view of Quantum Physics to uncover underlying levels of probability amplitudes and then dive into the tempo-spatial geometric world view of General Relativity to uncover underlying curvature levels. What are probability amplitude levels? What are spacetime curvature levels? I’ll use an example to elaborate this. Have you ever been in a conversation with a friend where he asks you “are you sure about that?”. “I’m 30% sure” you reply. “How sure are you about that 30%?” he replies. Your reply and his reply are at two different levels. Your reply is at the level of probability (you being 30% sure) and his reply is at a higher level, i.e. at the level of probability (how sure you are about you being 30% sure) of probability (you being 30% sure). I refer to your level as the first level of probability amplitude and his level as the second level of probability amplitude. The overall or combined probability amplitude in this case must take probability amplitudes of both levels into account. As can be imagined, other levels of probability amplitudes, e.g. third, fourth, fifth, etc. can be introduced. I propose that we live in a world of combined probability amplitudes which is the net effect of the probability amplitudes of multiple levels. What are spacetime curvature levels? I’ll use a simple example to introduce these levels. Imagine you’re asked to draw an airplane on a piece of rectangular paper that has tempo-spatial sinusoidal curvature. Obviously, the airplane will be tempo-spatially curved due to the sinusoidal curvature of the underlying rectangular paper. I refer to this as the first level of curvature. Now imagine you’re asked to draw the same rectangular plane with sinusoidal curvature on a balloon and then draw the same airplane on this rectangular plane. Obviously, the tempo-spatial curvature of the balloon is bound to change the sinusoidal curvature of the rectangular plane and consequently the curvature of the airplane. I refer to this as the second level of curvature. As can be imagined, other levels of curvatures, e.g. third, fourth, fifth, etc. can be introduced. I propose that we live in a world of combined spacetime curvatures which is the net effect of the multiple curvature levels. How do combined probability amplitudes and combined spacetime curvatures relate? How to come up with geometrical manifestation or representation of Quantum Physics’ probabilistic world view? How to come up with probabilistic manifestation or representation of General Relativity’ geometric world view? I'll address these and many other related questions and present a new approach to quantum gravity that includes new quantum field equations for combined probability amplitudes and new general relativity field equations for combined curvature and metric. I'll show how my new quantum and general relativity field equations together unify quantum physics and general relativity. I'll also use these equations to derive Hawking entropy and temperature, to introduce new concepts such as complex masses and negative gravity, multiple levels of universes, quantum tunneling among these universes, and to provide quantum mechanism for dark energy and accelerating expansion of the Universe.

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