
WD2 - Origin and physics of Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters and Anomalous X-ray Pulsars




Rocha, Flavia P.; Malheiro, Manuel; Marinho Jr, Rubens.

Talk Title

Gravitomagnetic correction for perihelion advance


In 1918 , Joseph Lense and Hans Thirring , discovered the gravitomagnetic effect when studied solutions to the Einstein field equations , using the weak field approximation , of rotation systems. They noted that when a body falls towards a massive object in rotation feel a force perpendicular to its movement. The equations that they obtained were similar to Maxwell's Equations of Electromagnetism, now known as Maxwell's equations for gravitomagnetism. Bearing in mind the concepts and formalism of Gravitomagneticas equations, we measure the influence that the sun has on Mercury, taking into account the gravitomagnetic field that the sun produces to rotate around the center of mass of the solar system , and whether the addition this force influences the perihelion advance of Mercury . In addition , we consider the field generated by a sphere rotating around its own axis , taking into account that the current density varies radially , and verified , the value of gravitomagnetic force of interaction Sun - Mercury, which is the gravitational counterpart to the Lorentz force in electromagnetism.

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