
EU1 - Semiclassical and Quantum Cosmology


Beckwith, Andrew


Talk Title

NLED Gedankenexperiment for modified ZPE and Planck’s ‘constant’, h, in the beginning of cosmological expansion, partly due to NLED


We initially look at a non singular universe representation of entropy, based in part on what was brought up by Muller and Lousto This is a gateway to bringing up information and computational steps ( as defined by Seth Lloyd) as to what would be available initially due to a modified ZPE formalism. The ZPE formalism is modified as due to Matt Visser’s alternation of k (maximum) ~ 1/(Planck length), with a specific initial density giving rise to initial information content which may permit fixing the initial Planck’s constant, h, which is pivotal to the setting of physical law. The settings of these parameters depend upon NLED

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