
DE3 - Large Scale Structure and Statistics


Bolejko, Krzysztof


Wiltshire, David; Nazer, Ahsan

Talk Title

Local Inhomogeneous Cosmological Environment And Its Impact On Cosmological Observations


The Universe on scales of ~100 Mpc consists of structures such as voids, galaxy clusters, filaments and superclusters. The presence of these inhomogeneities leaves imprints in form of additional anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation and in the Hubble flow. During my talk I will discuss how local inhomogeneities, modelled using exact inhomogeneous solutions of the Einstein equations, affect the Hubble flow and CMB anisotropies. I will show that part of the anisotropies of the CMB and Hubble flow, in particular the dipole and quadrupole, can be of non-kinematic origin, and could be induced by cosmic structures within 100-200 Mpc.

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