
DE3 - Large Scale Structure and Statistics


Al Roumi, Fosca


Al Roumi, Fosca ; Buchert, Thomas

Talk Title

Gravitoelectromagnetism and Relativistic Structure Formation


The gravitoelectromagnetic approach provides us with a new understanding of analytical approximations for structure formation in relativistic cosmology. On the basis of a formal analogy between the gravitoelectric part of the field equations and the Lagrange-Newton equations, and with the help of the inverse Minkowski Restriction (a mathematical operation that builds non-integrable initial conditions from their Newtonian counterparts), a relativistic generalization of the complete hierarchy of solutions of Newtonian Lagrangian perturbation theory has been developed. Nevertheless, this gravitoelectric solution does not contain the propagative dynamics, i.e. gravitational waves. We will thus investigate to first order how the complementary part to the Newtonian generalization is linked to the magnetic part of the Weyl tensor, and how it is constrained by the topology of spatial sections.

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