
DE3 - Large Scale Structure and Statistics


de Fromont, Paul


Paul de Fromont & Jean-Michel ALIMI

Talk Title

Dynamics And Statistics Of Under Dense Regions Surrounding Halos: A New Probe For Dark Energy


We study the possibility for probing dark energy behavior using under dense regions surrounding galaxy clusters. Such regions can be identified with the averaged stacked density profiles around extremums in the dark matter density field. From the statistics of peaks of gaussian random fields, we show that a spherical dynamics is perfectly suited to predict the evolution of such regions and we compute then, both the statistics, the actual density and the mass profiles. We compare our results with numerical results from Dark Energy Universe Simulations. The cosmological dependence of the statistics and the dynamics of such regions leads to a new way of probing Dark Energy and Modified Gravity. We extend our results to the study of cosmological voids, where we get an objective definition of the radius of such objects that allow us to predict exactly their population.

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