
DM1 - Interacting Dark Matter


Argüelles, Carlos


Argüelles, C. R., Mavromatos N. E., Rueda J. A., Ruffini R.

Talk Title

A novel scenario for self-interacting dark matter


A possible self-interacting nature for the dark matter particles on cluster and galaxy scales started to be seriously considered after the discovery of the 'bullet-cluster' as well as upon realizing that an hypothesis of this kind could lead to shallower inner dark matter profiles with respect to numerically inferred ones within the CDM paradigm. If true, this appealing idea should be able to answer the following key questions: are self-interactions among the DM particles really necessary to deal with the overall distribution of DM in galaxies?, if so, which are the effects of the new interactions in the shape of the DM density profiles, and finally, what information can be gained regarding an underlying field microscopic model of the particles? On the basis of a fermionic dark matter model on galaxy scales, I describe a novel astrophysical scenario where the self-interacting behaviour of the particles arise analogously as in ultra-cold atomic collisions in (effective) Fermi gases studied in laboratory, and study its effects on the distribution of dark matter through the center of the Galaxy.

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