
DM1 - Interacting Dark Matter


Ostermann, Peter


Talk Title

Homogeneously distributed dark matter of second kind as an alternative to 'dark energy'


A vast isothermal main part of nearly homogeneously distributed dark matter (HDM) might exist instead of the 'dark energy' assumed today. The known smaller inhomogeneous part (DM) is commonly accepted to be gravitationally bound to galaxies, clusters, separate halos, or larger structures. The macroscopically non-lensing HDM can fill the gap between observable matter and critical density, the latter required by flat space solutions of Einstein's original gravitational equations without cosmological constant. In the framework of a stationary universe model (SUM) – and in accordance with the universal Supernova Ia data deduced there – an alternative Planck microwave background is mathematically shown to be composable of redshifted radiation emitted within the universe. Thus 'dark' matter gets rid of its mysterious lack of physical interaction.

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