
SN1-2 - (SN1) Supernova Explosions and Neutron Stars Dynamics - (SN2) Numerical simulations, SN, and GRB, connecting with massive SN


Bauswein, Andreas


Bauswein, Andreas; Clark, James; Stergioulas, Nikolaos; Janka, Hans-Thomas

Talk Title

Dynamics And Gravitational-Wave Emission Of Neutron-Star Merger Remnants


The coalescence of a neutron-star binary likely results in the formation of a neutron-star merger remnant for a large range of binary mass configurations. The massive merger remnant shows strong oscillations, which are excited by the merging process, and emits gravitational waves. In this talk we will discuss possibilities and prospects of inferring unknown stellar properties of neutron stars by the detection of post-merger gravitational-wave emission, which thus leads to constraints of the equation of state of high-density matter. In particular, the dominant oscillations frequency of the post-merger remnant provides tight constraints on neutron-star radii. We will present first steps towards a practical implementation of future gravitational-wave searches for the post-merger emission. Moreover, we will outline possibilities to estimate the unknown maximum mass of nonrotating neutron stars from such types of measurements. Finally, we will review the origin and scientific implications of secondary peaks in the gravitational-wave spectrum of neutron-star mergers and differences in the dynamical behavior of the post-merger remnant depending on the binary configuration.

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