
SN1-2 - (SN1) Supernova Explosions and Neutron Stars Dynamics - (SN2) Numerical simulations, SN, and GRB, connecting with massive SN


Moiseenko, Sergey


Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Guennadii

Talk Title

Magnetorotational Core-Collapsed Supernovae


We discuss results of 2D numerical simulations of magnetorotational (MR) mechanism of core-collpased supernova explosion. The shape of explosion qualitatively depends on the configuraton of the initial magnetic field configuration. Magneto-Differential-Rotational Instability develops during the process of the magnetic field amplification.Different equations of state and different appraches of neutrino cooling processes were used. The explpsoin energy of MR supernova is comparable with the observational data.

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