
GL2 - Statistics and Geometry of Weak Lensing Data


Küng, Rafael


Küng, Rafael; Saha, Prasenjit; Baeten, Elisabeth; Coles, Jonathan; Cornen, Claude; Macmillan, Christine; Marshall, Phil; More, Anupreeta; More, Surhud; Verma, Aprajita ; Wilcox, Julianne K.

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Lensing Galaxies In The CFHT Legacy Survey


In SpaceWarps, a community of over 30'000 volunteers searched for lensed candidates in the CFHT Legacy Survey. About 60 new lens candidates have been identified, along with rediscovery of 60 % of the previously-known candidates. Models of most of these lens candidates were produced collaboratively by a small community of lens enthusiasts from the volunteer community. Tests with simulated lenses show that models by experienced volunteers are comparable to those by experts. We will present lens models of some these newly discovered lens candidates, along with a modelling method developed to be usable in a citizen-science environment. Some very preliminary results comparing stellar and lensing masses will also be presented.

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