
AC1 - Accretion Processes onto Black Holes: Observation and Modeling


Pal, Partha Sarathi


Chakrabarti, Sandip K.

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Comparison of Comptonizing Efficiencies of IGR 17091-3624 and GRS 1915+105


Variability class transitions in the enigmatic black hole candidate GRS 1915+105 has been known to accompany variation of the Comptonizing Efficiency (CE) which is defined to be the ratio between the number of power-law (hard) photons and injected seed (soft) photons emitted at the source end. Similarities of light curves between GRS 1915+105 and IGR 17091-3624, some of which have been already reported in the literature, motivated us to compute the CE for IGR 17091-3624 as well. We find that they are also similar to what we reported earlier for GRS 1915+105, even though masses of these objects are believed to be different. The reason is that the both the sizes of the sources of the seed photons and of the Comptonizing corona scale with the mass of the black hole. This indicates that characterization of variability classes based on CE is likely to be black hole mass independent, in general.

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