
AC1 - Accretion Processes onto Black Holes: Observation and Modeling


Kološ, Martin


Stuchlik, Z.

Talk Title

Charged particle dynamics in the field of a black hole immersed in uniform magnetic field


In order to test the role of large-scale magnetic fields on accretion processes, we study dynamics of charged test particles in vicinity of a black hole immersed into an external asymptotically uniform magnetic field. We examine different types of trajectories for charged particles and we determine the fundamental frequencies of small harmonic oscillations around stable circular orbits. We discuss consequences of ionization of test particles forming a neutral accretion disk and we explore the fate of charged test particles after ionization. After ionization the charged particles can oscillate around stable circular orbit or can escape to infinity along rotation axis. We discuss if such processes could be used as explanation of high-frequency quasiperiodic oscillations observed in microquasars or for generation of relativistic jets.

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