
AC1 - Accretion Processes onto Black Holes: Observation and Modeling


Gold, Roman


Jonathan C. McKinney

Talk Title

Polarized Synchrotron Radiation from Hot BH Accretion Flows


Accreting black holes (BHs) are at the core of relativistic astrophysics as messengers of the strong-field regime of General Relativity and prime targets of several observational campaigns, including imaging the black holes and their surroundings in SagA* and M87 on horizon scales with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). I will present results from GR polarized radiative transfer (synchrotron radiation) studies of global GRMHD simulations of a central BH embedded in a hot, magnetized disk. The results are discussed in the context of EHT data and their usefulness in narrowing down the region of viability for various emission models involving a disk and/or jet.

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