
AC1 - Accretion Processes onto Black Holes: Observation and Modeling


Nemmen, Rodrigo


Nemmen, R.; Tchekhovskoy, A.

Talk Title

Relativistic Outflows From Massive Black Holes


Black holes are among the most fascinating predictions of General Relativity. In particular, supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei (AGN) are key actors in our modern view of the cosmos. How these black holes power extremely energetic, relativistic outflows called jets is an outstanding issue. I will review recent observational results which suggest that the central engines in jet-producing AGNs have huge energy-efficiencies, requiring extraction of rotational energy of the black hole, i.e. the Kerr metric plays a fundamental role in explaining these systems. I will outline an emerging model for jetted AGNs inspired by general relativistic MHD simulations.

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