
AC1 - Accretion Processes onto Black Holes: Observation and Modeling


Nagarkoti, Shreeram


Chakrabarti, Sandip, K.

Talk Title

Estimating the value of Viscosity Parameter in Accretion Flows Around a Black Hole in Presence of Shock Waves with cooling


We study the hydrodynamics of steady state viscous, axisymmetric, transonic accretion flows around a Schwarzschild black hole. We adopt a viscosity parameter (described by Shakura & Sunyaev, 1973) and compute the highest possible value of the viscosity parameter for each pair of two inner boundary parameters (namely, specific angular momentum and specific energy of the flow) which is still capable of producing a standing shock. We find that while shocks can still form for the parameter as high as 0.3 in smaller regions of the flow parameter space, its typical value appears to be about 0.05-0.1 which is also the typical viscosity parameters achieved by magnetorotational instabilities in accretion flows.

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