
NS2 - Zen Vasconcellos, César Augusto


Boller, Thomas


Talk Title

Black Hole Imaging as GR tests


Einstein's General Relativity (GR) invented 100 years ago successfully describes gravitation. An algebraic extension of GR to pseudo-complex (pc) variables has been proposed, called pseudo-complex General Relativity (pc-GR). We have performed ray-tracing simulations based on the pc-GR theory and standard GR for Sgr A* for different accretion scenarios and viewing angles for the observer. The simulated pc-GR images are clearly different from GR ray-tracing images. This provides the strongest test of GR theories. In addition we have simulated Fe K line profiles for both theories. As pc-GR discs are brighter, the integrated line flux is larger in pc-GR. The line profiles are clearly different from standard GR. This offers a second robust measurement to test pc-GR versus GR.

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