
ES3 - Exact Solutions (Physical Aspects)


Malafarina, Daniele


Bambi, Cosimo; Modesto, Leonardo

Talk Title

Bounces and Remnants in gravitational collapse


Singularities can be found in many classical solutions of Einstein equations. If one accepts the point of view that they represent a breakdown of the model in the strong field then it is reasonable to assume that modifications to the field equations arising near the singularity may resolve them. Here we consider an analytical solution describing a collapsing matter cloud made of dust particles (the well known Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi space-time) that classically leads to the formation of a singularity. We show how semi-classical corrections in the strong field modify the model leading either to a bouncing scenario or to the formation of a compact remnant. Implications for astrophysical models of black hole formation are also discussed.

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