
GL3 - Gravitational lensing: theory and numerical modeling


Neronov, Andrii


Vovk, Ievgen

Talk Title

Test of relativistic gravity theory using microlensing of relativisticaly broadened lines in gravitationally lensed quasars


We show that observation of time-dependent effect of microlensing of relativisticly broadened emission lines (such as e.g. Fe Kalpha line in X-rays) in strongly lensed quasars could provide data on celestial mechanics of circular orbits in the direct vicinity of horizon of supermassive black holes. The data could be extracted from the measurement of evolution of the red / blue edge of the magnified line just before and just after the period of crossing of the innermost stable circular orbit by a microlensing caustic. The functional form of this evolution is insensitive to the numerous astrophysical parameters of the accreting black hole and the microlensing caustics network systems. Measurement of the time evolution of the red / blue edge could provide a precision measurement of the radial dependence of the gravitational redshift and of velocity of the circular orbits, down to the innermost stable circular orbit. These measurements could be used to discriminate between the General Relativity and the alternative models of relativistic gravity in which the dynamics of photons and massive bodies orbiting the gravitating centre is different from that of geodesics in the Schwarzschild or Kerr space-times.

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