
AT4 - Localized self-gravitating field systems in the Einstein and alternatives theories of gravity


Slagter, Reinoud Jan


Talk Title

Tangled up in Cosmic Strings: from Warped 5D to 4D Brane Spacetime


After the perception that superstring theory predicts the existence of cosmic superstrings, a new revival of the self-gravitating U(1) scalar-gauge field solution emerged. On a 5D warped brane world space time, there will be observable imprint of these cosmic superstrings on the induced effective 4D brane metric for values of the symmetry breaking scale much larger than the GUT scale. In a time-dependent setting, it seems that there is wave-like energy-momentum transfer to infinity on the brane, a high-energy brane world behaviour. For a zero effective cosmological constant (Randall-Sundrum fine-tuning) brane fluctuations (‘branons’) can be induced by the interaction of the scalar-gauge field and the bulk Weyl tensor. The disturbances don’t fade away during the expansion due to the warp factor. An analytic solution is found for this warp factor from the bulk Einstein equations. Because these cosmic strings can build up a huge mass per unit length in the bulk, they can induce massive KK-modes felt on the brane.

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