
AT4 - Localized self-gravitating field systems in the Einstein and alternatives theories of gravity


Radu, Eugen


Talk Title

Vortons in General Relativity


The vortons can be viewed as field theory analogues of black rings in general relativity, being spinning vortex loops stabilized by the centrifugal force. Moreover, it has been shown recently that thick vortons with small radius preserve their form in the 3 + 1 non-linear dynamical evolution. In this talk, we discuss the basic features of these objects when including the general relativity effects. For example, we find that gravity imposes an upper bound on the vortons mass and angular momentum. Moreover, the coupling to gravity gives rise to a spiral-like frequency dependence of the mass and charge. We also show that the vortons may contain a black hole in their center. Then the vortons are in synchronous rotation with the horizon, the resulting configuration describing a black hole surrounded by a vortex ring.

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