
GN1 - Gravitational physics of the galactic center


Rezzolla, Luciano


R. Konoplya, A. Zhidenko

Talk Title

A general parametrization of black-hole metrics


We propose a new parametric framework to describe in generic metric theories of gravity the spacetime of axisymmetric black holes. In contrast to similar approaches proposed so far, we do not use a Taylor expansion in powers of $M/r$, where $M$ and $r$ are the mass of the black hole and a generic radial coordinate, respectively. Rather, we use a continued-fraction expansion in terms of a compactified radial coordinate. This choice leads to superior convergence properties and allows us to approximate a number of known metric theories with a much smaller set of coefficients. The measure of these coefficients via observations of near-horizon processes can be used to effectively constrain and compare arbitrary metric theories of gravity.

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