
GN1 - Gravitational physics of the galactic center


Fish, Vincent


Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration

Talk Title

Resolving Black Holes with the Event Horizon Telescope


The supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy, Sagittarius A*, is a natural laboratory to explore GR and the astrophysics of accretion and outflow. Although the angular scale associated with the Schwarzschild radius is very small, it is nevertheless accessible to very long baseline interferometry at millimeter wavelengths. Observations over the past few years have resolved the hot plasma immediately surrounding the black hole, providing strong evidence in support of the existence of an event horizon and placing strong constraints on the black hole spin vector. Technological advancements are allowing us to greatly increase the sensitivity and resolving power of the observing array, permitting tests of GR that have heretofore been impossible.

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