
QG1 - Loop Quantum Gravity, Quantum Geometry, Spin Foams


Ita, Eyo


Ita, Eyo E.; Soo, Chopin; Yu, Hoi-Lai

Talk Title

Intrinsic Time Quantum Geopmetrodynamics


Quantum Geometrodynamics with intrinsic time development and momentric variables is presented. An underlying SU(3) group structure at each spatial point regulates the theory. The instrinsic time behavior is analyzed, together with its ground state and primordial quantum fluctuations. Cotton-York potential dominates at early times when the universe was small; the gravitational ground state naturally resolves Penrose's Weyl Curvature Hypothesis, and thermodynamic and gravitational 'arrows of time' point in the same direction. Ricci scalar potential corresponding to Einstein's General Relativity emerges as a zero-point energy contribution. A new set of fundamental commutation relations without Planck's constant emerges from the unification of Gravitation and Quantum Mechanics.

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