
GB5 - GRBs and the Afterglow


Neilsen, David


Anderson, Matthew; Caballero, O. L.; Lehner, Luis; Liebling, Steven L., Motl, Patrick; O'Connor, Evan; Palenzuela, Carlos

Talk Title

Electromagnetic and Neutrino Emission from Binary Neutron Star Mergers


Binary neutron star mergers are possible sources of short, hard GRBs. Observations of GRB events using both electromagnetic and gravitational radiation will help determine which of the possible sources are the progenitors. We perform a series of binary neutron star mergers using different microphysical equations of state, ranging from soft to stiff,including magnetic field and neutrino cooling effects. We examine the effect of the equation of state on the gravitational radiation, the resulting hyper massive neutron stars, and characteristics of the ejecta from the system. Finally, we discuss the neutrino emission estimated using a leakage scheme.

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