
WD1-3 - (WD1) The Status of Magnetic White Dwarfs - (WD3) White Dwarfs in Binaries and the Role of Gravitational Waves


Becerra Bayona, Laura


Rueda, Jorge A.; Lorén-Aguilar, Pablo; García-Berro, Enrique

Talk Title

Induced compression by angular momentum loss in fast rotating, magnetized Super-Chandraskehar white dwarfs


The evolution of the remnant of the merger of two white dwarfs is still an open problem. In such cases in which the mass of the remnant is larger than the Chandrasekhar limiting mass it is expected that a powerful explosion will ensue, resulting in a Type Ia supernova. In particular, it is expected that for such systems angular momentum loss might bring the remnant to conditions for which a thermonuclear instability develops. Dipole magnetic braking is one of the mechanisms that can drive such loss of angular momentum in magnetized white dwarfs. However, the timescale on which such process occurs is still the matter of an active debate, as it depends on many factors, like the strength of the magnetic field, its angle of inclination with respect to the rotation axis, and the properties of the remnant of the merger. In particular, these include its mass and radius, its angular velocity, and its moment of inertia. Moreover, Super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs resulting from the coalescence of two otherwise normal stars are surrounded by a Keplerian disk that can be accreted onto the newly formed compact object. Thus, the post-merger evolution of the remnant also depends critically on the accretion rate. Here we compute the post-merger evolution of a Super-Chandraskhar magnetized white dwarf taking into account all the relevant physical processes. These include magnetic torques acting on the star, accretion from the Keplerian disk, and the threading of the magnetic field lines through the disk.

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