
NS3 - QCD phase diagram: from nuclear astrophysics to heavy ion collisons


Bombaci, Ignazio


Ignazio Bombaci

Talk Title

Quark deconfinement in neutron stars and astrophysical implications


A phase of strong interacting matter with deconfined quarks is expected in the core of massive neutron stars. We study the quark deconfinement phase transition in cold ($T=0$) and hot $\beta$-stable hadronic matter. Assuming a first order phase transition, we calculate and compare the nucleation rate and the nucleation time due to thermal and quantum nucleation mechanisms. We show that above a threshold value of the central pressure a pure hadronic star (HS) is metastable to the conversion to a quark star (QS) ({\it i.e.} hybrid star or strange star). We introduce the concept of critical mass $M_{cr}$ for cold HSs and proto-hadronic stars (PHSs), and the concept of limiting conversion temperature for PHSs. We show that PHSs with a mass $M < M_{cr}$ could survive the early stages of their evolution without decaying to QSs. Finally, we discuss the possible evolutionary paths of proto-hadronic stars.

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