
ST2 - Black Holes in String Theory


Gnecchi, Alessandra


Gaddam, Nava; Vandoren, Stefan: Varela, Oscar

Talk Title

Rholography, Black Holes And Scherk-Schwarz


Black hole microstates have been successfully identified for particular solutions in string theory, relying in most cases on supersymmetry. We describe an attempt to generalize the black hole microstate counting by dimensionally reducing the Maldacena-Strominger-Witten string à la Scherk-Schwarz, from five to four spacetime dimensions. Such compactification breaks supersymmetry and the resulting effective theory has a spectrum of charged particles, thus providing a more realistic setup. We propose a CFT interpretation of the Scherk-Schwarz gauging as a "twist" in the global automorphisms that define conjugacy classes of inequivalent superconformal algebras, along the lines of Schwimmer-Seiberg analysis.

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