
QF1 - Quantum Spacetime


Morsella, Gerardo


Talk Title

Spherically Symmetric Quantum Spacetime and the Horizon Problem


The analysis of the limitations to spacetime localization of events dictated by the concurrence of general relativity and quantum mechanics, performed by Doplicher-Fredenhagen-Roberts in a flat background, are extended to spherically symmetric spacetimes. The results support the heuristic expectation that in a curved background the effective Planck length depends on the underlying geometry. This also leads to a natural ansatz for the expectation value, in a thermal state, of the energy-momentum tensor of a free scalar field propagating on the corresponding curved Quantum Spacetime. When such a field is coupled semi-classically to the metric, the resulting cosmological evolution is free from the horizon problem. (Based on joint work with Sergio Doplicher and Nicola Pinamonti.)

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