
BS2 - Scalar fields in cosmology


de la Macorra, Axel


Talk Title

Composite Dark Energy particle derived from Dark Gauge Group


We use cosmological observations to determine the dynamics of Dark Energy, including CMB, SNIa, LSS and BAK measurements. Even though the precision of the observational data has greatly improved in recent years, there is still a large number of DE models, including a cosmological constant. Here we present a modeled derived from non perturbative physics in which the DE particle is a scalar composite field of the elementary particles of a Dark Gauge group. The scalar potential V of this field, which determines the dynamics of DE, can be derived using gauge theory technic, and our model has an excellent agreement with observations. The free parameters are just the choice of gauge group and the number of elementary fields, as in the Standard Model of particle physics. In the lack of more precise cosmological observations the best theoretical model should prevail.

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