
BH7-8 - (BH7) Hairy Black Holes - (BH8) Black Holes in Higher Dimensions (Black Rings and Black Strings)


ortaggio, marcello


J. Podolsky, M. Zofka

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Static and radiating p-form black holes in the higher dimensional Robinson-Trautman class


We study Robinson-Trautman spacetimes in the presence of an aligned p-form Maxwell field and an arbitrary cosmological constant in n >= 4 dimensions. The character of these solutions depends significantly on the value of n and p. In odd dimensions, the solutions reduce to static black holes dressed with an electric and a magnetic field, with an Einstein space horizon (further constrained by the Einstein-Maxwell equations). Even dimensions, however, open up more possibilities. In particular, when 2p = n there exist non-static solutions describing black holes gaining (or losing) mass by receiving (or emitting) electromagnetic radiation. The algebraic type of the Weyl and Maxwell tensors is also discussed in the various cases, as well as conditions for self-duality. Reference: M. Ortaggio, J. Podolsky, M. Zofka, JHEP 1502 (2015) 045

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