
BH7-8 - (BH7) Hairy Black Holes - (BH8) Black Holes in Higher Dimensions (Black Rings and Black Strings)


Navarro-Lerida, Francisco


Jose Luis Blazquez-Salcedo, Jutta Kunz

Talk Title

Properties of Rotating Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton Black Holes in Odd Dimensions


We study rotating Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton (EMd) black holes in odd dimensions. We analyze the domain of existence of these black holes, concentrating on its boundary, constituted by extremal black holes. These extremal black holes show a series of surprising properties. For instance, their horizon area is proportional to their angular momentum, while for pure extremal Einstein-Maxwell black holes two types of behaviours (branches) are possible. Moreover, we find an analogy between the extremal rotating EMd black holes and the static ones, that relates the angular momentum and the horizon angular velocity of the former to the area and the surface gravity of the latter, respectively.

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