
BH7-8 - (BH7) Hairy Black Holes - (BH8) Black Holes in Higher Dimensions (Black Rings and Black Strings)


Loureiro Benone, Carolina


Benone, Carolina L.; Crispino, Luís C. B.; Herdeiro, Carlos; Radu, Eugen

Talk Title

Kerr-Newman scalar clouds


Massive complex scalar fields can form bound states around Kerr black holes. These bound states -- dubbed \textit{scalar clouds} -- are generically non-zero and finite on and outside the horizon; they decay exponentially at spatial infinity, have a real frequency and are specified by a set of integer ``quantum'' numbers $(n,\ell,m)$. For a specific set of these numbers, the clouds are only possible along a 1-dimensional subset of the 2-dimensional parameter space of Kerr black holes, called an \textit{existence line}.

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