
BH7-8 - (BH7) Hairy Black Holes - (BH8) Black Holes in Higher Dimensions (Black Rings and Black Strings)


Kubiznak, David


R. Gregory, D. Wills

Talk Title

Higgs hair of a rotating black hole


A Kerr black hole sporting cosmic string hair is studied in the context of the abelian Higgs model vortex. It is shown that such a system displays much richer phenomenology than its static Schwarzschild or Reissner-Nordstrom cousins, for example, the rotation generates a near horizon electric field. In the case of an extremal rotating black hole, two phases of the Higgs hair are possible: large black holes exhibit standard hair, with the vortex piercing the event horizon. Small black holes on the other hand, exhibit a flux-expelled solution, with the gauge and scalar field remaining identically in their false vacuum state on the event horizon. Interestingly, backreaction of the Higgs vortex on the Kerr geometry cannot be described as a mere conical deficit as expected in many studies.

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