
BH7-8 - (BH7) Hairy Black Holes - (BH8) Black Holes in Higher Dimensions (Black Rings and Black Strings)


Pons, Josep M.


Naresh Dadhich

Talk Title

Static pure Lovelock black hole solutions with horizon topology S(n)×S(n)


It is well known that vacuum equation of arbitrary Lovelock order for static spacetime ultimately reduces to a single algebraic equation, we show that the same continues to hold true for pure Lovelock gravity of arbitrary order N for topology S(n)×S(n). We thus obtain pure Lovelock static black hole solutions with two-sphere topology for any order N, and in particular we study in full detail the third and fourth order Lovelock black holes. It is remarkable that thermodynamical stability of black hole discerns between odd and even N, and consequently between negative and positive Λ and it favours the former while rejecting the latter.

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