
NS5 - Highly magnetized neutron stars: theories, observations and connection with gamma-ray bursts


Rueda Hernandez, Jorge Armando


Cáceres, D. L.; Camargo, R.; Coelho, J. G.; Malheiro, M.; R. Ruffini

Talk Title

SGRs and AXPs as Rotation-Powered Compact Stars


We show that nine of the twenty three soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) and anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs), namely the 40\% of the observed population, can be described as canonical pulsars driven by the rotational energy of a neutron star. We give the possible range of the neutron star mass for which this is possible and for selected nuclear equations of state. We show that the energetics of the bursts emitted by these sources can be explained via the rotational energy gained during glitches, for which we predict the fractional change of rotation period and compare with observations, where available. Assuming on the other hand an alternative scenario in which SGR/AXPs are rotation-powered white dwarfs, we compute tight constraints for the masses, radii, and magnetic field of the white dwarf by requesting the gravitational and rotational stability of the star. We discuss the consistency of the above white dwarf parameters through the observations in the X and optical wavelengths.

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