
AT1 - Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


Giacomini, Alex


Canfora, Fabrizio ; Giacomini, Alex ; Pavluchenko Sergey

Talk Title

Dynamical compactification in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity from geometric frustration


In this paper we study dynamical compactification in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity from arbitrary dimension for generic values of the coupling constants. We showed that, when the curvature of the extra dimensional space is negative, for any value of the spatial curvature of the four dimensional space-time one obtains a realistic behavior in which for asymptotic time both the volume of the extra dimension and expansion rate of the four dimensional space-time tend to a constant. Remarkably, this scenario appears within the open region of parameters space for which the theory does not admit any maximally symmetric (4+D)- dimensional solution, which gives to the dynamical compactification an interpretation as geometric frustration. In particular there is no need to fine-tune the coupling constants of the theory so that the present scenario does not violate "naturalness hypothesis". Moreover we showed that with increase of the number of extra dimensions the stability properties of the solution are increased.

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