
AT1 - Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


Gu, Je-An


Talk Title

Looking for a Key to the Reconciliation between Gravity and Quantum Physics under a Lamppost of the Cosmological Constant Problem


A fundamental problem of general relativity is its conflict with quantum physics, i.e., the difficulty putting it into the quantum shoes. We point out that the cosmological constant problem is a low-energy manifestation of such conflict, and can be a signpost to the reconciliation. We expect the reconciliation between gravity and quantum physics should solve the cosmological constant problem, which is not only a high-energy but also a low-energy problem. The former should give a low-energy or an energy-independent solution to the latter. This requirement provides a physical criterion for evaluating the possible solutions of the reconciliation. We further expect the keys to the reconciliation can be found in the well-known low-energy physics rather than hiding in unconfirmed physics beyond our reach. Along this line of thought, we discuss possible keys to the reconciliation, such as the quantization of constrained degrees of freedom of gravity, the timeless problem, and a potential mismatch between curvature and metric regarding their average and expectation values.

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