
AT1 - Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


Ludwig, Hendrik


Ludwig, Hendrik; Minazzoli, Olivier; Capozziello, Salvatore

Talk Title

$f(R,\mathcal{L}_m)$ Gravity With Pressuron Mechanism


There is a well established equivalence of minimally coupled scalar-tensor theories and $f(R)$ theories. In this talk I will present an unusual $f(R,\mathcal{L}_m)$ Lagrangian that is equivalent to the $\omega\rightarrow 0$ limit of pressuron theories, a class of non minimally coupled scalar-tensor theories designed to reproduce general relativity under the low pressure conditions found in the solar system. I will also briefly discuss the Lagrangian formalism for perfect fluids in curved space-time and give an outlook of exact cosmological solutions in this theory.

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