
DM4 - Self Gravitating Systems and Dark Matter


Argüelles, Carlos


Ruffini, Remo; Argüelles, Carlos R.; Rueda, Jorge A.

Talk Title

Dark Matter phase-transition


Attempts of studying galactic structures in terms of fundamental physical principles such as thermodynamics and statistical physics has long been considered, since galaxies present many quasi-universal self-organized properties such as the constant mean surface density at halo-scale lengths, or the fact that dark matter halos are well fitted by different phenomenological profiles which resemble isothermal spheres. Within this context, the more subtle problem of understanding the relaxation processes which take place before a galactic halo enters in the steady state we observe, is briefly reviewed, with special attention to collisionless relaxation processes leading to quasi-stationary-states (QSS) described by Fermi-Dirac-like distribution functions. In particular, in the case of well mixed fermionic dark matter composite QSS, I present the equilibrium configurations which reproduce galactic data, and analyze the physical conditions under which the system undergoes a gravitational phase transition depending on a critical temperature, and its possible relation with non-linear structure formation.

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