
BN3 - Double Neutron Stars and Neutron Star-White Dwarf Binaries


Ouyed, Rachid


Denis Leahy, Nico Koning, Jan Staff

Talk Title

Quark-Novae : Observational Signatures and Implications to Compact Binaries 


After a brief account of the physics of the Quark-Nova (explosive transition of a neutron star to a quark star due to quark deconfinement), I will present indirect observational evidence of the Quark-Nova  in  Super-Luminous Supernovae  and in the context of  the origin of heavy elements (r-process nucleosynthesis). I will then present our modelling of Quark-Novae occurring in compact binaries (with a neutron star and a compact or a normal companion)  with particular attention to systems involving a CO white dwarf companion (with implications to Cosmology) and to systems involving a He donor (with implications to He-HMXBs).

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