
DM3 - Sterile neutrinos and cosmology


Garzilli, Antonella


Alexey Boyarsky, Oleg Ruchayskiy, Matteo Viel

Talk Title

Constraining the Warmness of Dark Matter with the Lyman alpha Forest


We have performed a re-analysis of previous work (Viel et al 2013) on constraining the warm dark matter (WDM) mass from high redshift and high resolution Lyman alpha forest spectra. We consider a different prior range on the thermal history of the intergalactic medium (IGM). We obtain new constraints on the WDM mass, mWDM ≥ 2.13 keV at 2-sigma level. We conclude that, due to astrophysical uncertainties, considering high resolution data at high redshift does not improve the constraints on WDM mass with respect to previous constraints from SDSS. Interestingly, for the case of pure cold dark matter cosmology, the flux power spectrum analysis prefers low value of the IGM temperature at high redshift.

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