
DM3 - Sterile neutrinos and cosmology


Giusarma, Elena


Di Valentino, Eleonora; Gariazzo, Stefano;Gerbino, Martina;Melchiorri, Alessandro; Mena, Olga

Talk Title

Constraints on massive steriles neutrinos in a non-standard PPS scenario


One of the great puzzles related to the LCDM model is the nature of the dark matter (DM) component. In standard cosmology, hot, thermal relics are identified with the three light, active neutrinos but the existence of extra hot relic components, as sterile neutrino species are also possible.In this work I will illustrate the implications of neutrino properties on cosmological observables and I will analyse the constraints on the three active neutrino masses and on steriles neutrino species in an extended cosmological scenario in which the primordial power spectrum of scalar perturbations differs from the usual power-law shape.

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