
DM3 - Sterile neutrinos and cosmology


Paduroiu, Sinziana


Paduroiu, Sinziana; Revaz, Yves; Pfenniger, Daniel

Talk Title

Structure Formation In Warm Dark Matter Cosmologies - Numerical Simulations


The properties of warm dark matter particles like sterile neutrinos imprint a distinct signature on the structure formation mechanisms, as well as on the internal structure of halos. Using warm dark matter simulations we explore these effects for different particle energies and we find that the formation of structure is more complex than originally assumed, a hybrid mechanism of top-down collapse and hierarchical (bottom-up) clustering on multiple scales. Regarding the internal structures of halos, the presence of shells and caustics is a prominent feature in warm dark matter simulations. We re-examine the assumptions considered when estimating the velocity dispersion for warm dark matter particles and we review some of the previous results in the literature. Given the strong dependence of the warm dark matter particle mass - velocity dispersion relation on the assumed model and production mechanism, we discuss the constraints on the warm dark matter particle candidates from simulation results.

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