
BH5 - Geometric approaches to the thermodynamics of black holes


Majhi, Abhishek


Majhi, Abhishek

Talk Title

A Heuristic Energy Quantization Of Equilibrium Black Hole Horizons


Quantized equilibrium black hole horizons are modeled as quantum isolated horizons in loop quantum gravity framework. Based on the expected properties of the Hamiltonian operator (if its structure was known a priori) associated with the horizon Hilbert space, we begin our analysis with a suitable operator structure. Demanding that certain consistent results must follow for that operator to be the Hamiltonian, we fix the model uniquely. The Hamiltonian operator captures the physics associated with both near horizon Rindler observers as well as asymptotic observers. Having a Hamiltonian operator at our disposal we are now capable of doing black hole thermodynamics in the usual energy ensemble. Interestingly, calculations yield positive specific heat of the quantum horizons.

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