
GW1 - Sources of Gravitational Waves


Puerrer, Michael


Pürrer, Michael; Hannam, Mark; Ohme, Frank

Talk Title

Can we measure individual black-hole spins from gravitational-wave observations?


Measurements of black-hole spins in gravitational wave (GW) observations with ground-based detectors are expected to be hampered by partial degeneracies between the two spins, and between the spins and the binary's mass ratio during the inspiral. If the inspiral and merger-ringdown parts of the GW signal happen to both be in the sensitive frequency band of a GW detector, can we hope to measure both spins and break this degeneracy? Are two-spin models really necessary or are single-spin models sufficient? Using Bayesian parameter estimation We will investigate these questions for a range of configurations over the parameter space for an effective-one-body reduced order model with spins aligned with the orbital angular momentum.

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