
GW1 - Sources of Gravitational Waves


Nissanke, Samaya


Talk Title

Black Hole Births: Gravitational Wave Sources and Electromagnetic Outflows


Gravitational Waves (GW) from mergers of neutron star binaries, neutron-star black hole binaries and black-hole black hole binaries are highly anticipated discoveries for Advanced LIGO and Virgo starting this September in 2015. A subset of these events could be associated with a transient EM counterpart from the canonical to the more speculative. I will give an overview of the rich astrophysical basis of the GW source modeling and proposed set of EM signatures. I will discuss the remaining questions about the EM predictions and their current observational status. I will conclude by discussing how combined GW+EM measurements will enable unprecedented studies of astrophysics in strong-field gravity, and of binary stellar evolution.

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