
DE1 - Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe


Bengaly, Carlos


A. Bernui and J. S. Alcaniz

Talk Title

Probing Cosmologicl Isotropy With Type Ia Supernovae


We investigate the validity of the Cosmological Principle by mapping the cosmological parameters H_0 and q_0 through the celestial sphere. Our analyses are performed in a low-redshift regime to follow a model independent approach using both Union2.1 and JLA SNe compilations. We find that the cosmic expansion and acceleration are mainly of dipolar type pointing towards (l, b) ≃ (326◦, 12◦) [(l, b) ≃ (174◦, 27◦)], and (l, b) ≃ (58◦,−60◦) [(l, b) ≃ (225◦, 51◦)] for the Union2.1 and JLA data, respectively. Furthermore, we also verify that these results are significantly correlated with the angular anisotropy of the SNe distribution in the sky, especially in the JLA catalog, and also that the H_0 anisotropy obtained by the Union2.1 sample coincides with the direction of the bulk flow motion of our local group. Therefore, we can conclude that these anisotropic signals are mainly either of local origin or due to celestial incompleteness of current SNe Ia samples.

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