
DE1 - Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe


Pisani, Alice


Pisani, Alice

Talk Title

Constraining Dark Energy With Cosmic Voids


Modern surveys allow us to access to high quality measurements, by sampling the galaxy distribution in detail also in the emptier regions, voids. Cosmic voids present themselves as a new tool to constrain cosmology. While the treatment of systematics might be simpler in these empty regions, with the aim of achieving the level of precision cosmology a careful modeling of such effects is necessary.  In particular, peculiar velocities affect the way we observe cosmic voids, and thus their effect needs to be understood. Using mock catalogues, I analyze the effect of peculiar velocities on void properties. In this talk, I first describe the use of voids as cosmological tools. I then present the results of the analysis of the systematic effects affecting voids and discuss it in the framework of current and future surveys. Finally, I present a forecast for void abundances with the future Euclid and WFIRST missions and obtain, using the Fisher matrix formalism, a prediction for the constraints that voids will set on the dark energy equation of state.

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