
DE1 - Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe


Dossett, Jason


Dossett, Jason N.; Ishak, Mustapha; Parkinson, David; Davis, Tamara M.

Talk Title

Testing General Relativity Using ISiTGR: Tensions Between CMB and Weak Lensing Data Sets


We use a combination of cosmological data sets, including the CMB temperature anisotropy data from Planck, weak lensing tomography from CFHTLenS, and the WiggleZ galaxy power spectrum to place constraints on modified growth parameters, which allow us to test general relativity at cosmological scales. A likelihood analysis is performed using the publicly available package ISiTGR, and we find that while general relativity is consistent with current data at the 95% confidence level, two out of the three parameterizations for the modified growth show a strong tension between the CMB and weak-lensing data. The observed tension follows the known tension in the cosmological parameter $\sigma_8$ between these two datasets.

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